It is the mission of the Highland Park Neighborhood Association to actively protect, maintain, and enhance the quality of life of residents who live in the neighborhood and to actively protect, preserve, maintain, and enhance the aesthetics and natural environment of the neighborhood, being mindful at all times of the unique flavor of Highland Park and its historical heritage.
President: Elizabeth Sanfelippo; 205-317-0867; esanfelippo@gmail.com
Re-elected 2022; Re-elected 2021*; Elected 2018
Vice President: Judy Jones; jjflowgoer@aol.com
Elected 2022; previously Secretary 2021-2022
Secretary: Kelly Marshall; kellymarshall@gmail.com
Elected 2022
(Previous Officers: President: Alison Glascock (1998-2018). Vice President: Jessica Powers (2018-2020), Carl Sosnin (2007-2018). Secretary: Elizabeth Sanfelippo (2016-2018))
All officers serve two-year terms. All residents of Highland Park, 16 years of age and over may vote. Residents 18 years of age and over may run for office. Elections of neighborhood officers are held on even years in the fall.
*(Due to the COVID 19 pandemic, Fall 2020 elections were moved to March 2021.)