Beautification Committee
Chairperson: Ray Davis
Members: Suzanne Baker, Ellen Diethelm, Greg Hansen, Dehryl Mason, Sharon Nelson, Stan Palla, Anne Sunkel, Adam Ward
Mission Statement
Recognizing that Highland Park is a unique neighborhood within the limits of the City of Birmingham, because of its location as a vital buffer community between downtown Birmingham and other residential neighborhoods, because of its historical significance as one of the oldest residential communities within the City, and because of its rich heritage, the mission of the Beautification Committee is as follows:
To oversee, preserve and promote the aesthetics of the neighborhood as a whole, to include support of the enhancement and preservation of single-family dwellings and historical multi-family structures,
To preserve and enhance the natural environment of the neighborhood through such activities as street tree planting, removal of graffiti, installation of benches and trash cans, protection from light and noise pollution, screening of dumpsters, etc.;
To develop and implement master plans for Caldwell, Rhodes, and Rushton Parks; and
To protect, maintain and preserve Highland Avenue;
Keeping in mind at all times the unique flavor of Highland Park and its historical heritage.
The Committee as a whole will be responsible for the following areas:
1. Oversight of general aesthetic appearance of the neighborhood.
2. Oversight over neighborhood parks.
3. Oversight of subcommittees.
4. Tree planting.
5. Signage.
6. Lighting.
7. All official communications with the City regarding beautification issues.
Members of the committee are appointed by the President of the Neighborhood Association in conjunction with other officers.
A maximum of seven (7) members will be appointed to the committee.
Qualifications for Membership
1. Members must demonstrate a commitment to support and uphold the mission, goals, and objectives of the Neighborhood Association.
2. Members must demonstrate a commitment to support, uphold, and promote the mission, goals, and objectives of the Beautification Committee.
3. Members must be available to attend most meetings when called.
Community Garden Sub-Committee
Chairperson: Tori McDonald,
Members: Annie Chester, Bruno Chester, Laura Quattrochi, John Somerset, Ann Mosely Whitsett
Independent Presbyterian Church Liaison: David Seamon
Mission Statement
The Garden’s goal is to provide space for Highland Park neighbors to gather, grow plants, and build community within the setting of a beautiful public park.
The mission of the Garden Committee is as follows:
To review and make recommendations to the NA as to Highland Park Community Garden in Rushton Park implementation and operation and
To present recommendations to the NA.
The Committee as a whole will be responsible for the following areas:
1. Oversight of management and general aesthetic and appearance of the Community Garden in Rushton Park.
2. All official communications with the City regarding community garden issues.
3. Coordination with the 501c3 of Independent Presbyterian Church (garden sponsor)
Members of the committee are appointed by the President of the Neighborhood Association in conjunction with other officers.
A maximum of seven (7) members will be appointed to the committee.
Qualifications for Membership
1. Members must demonstrate a commitment to support and uphold the mission, goals, and objectives of the Neighborhood Association.
2. Members must demonstrate a commitment to support, uphold, and promote the mission, goals, and objectives of the Garden Committee.
3. Members must be available to attend most meetings when called.
Local Historic Advisory Committee (LHAC) (HPNA Design Review)
Chair(s): Jim Cooper and Evan Williams
Members: Charlie Ray, Mark Ritter, Chris Rogers, Elizabeth Sanfelippo, John Waddy
Mission Statement
This committee reviews building permit applications for proposed changes to the exteriors of buildings in our local district that can be seen from the street to make sure they fall within local district guidelines and make recommendations to the city’s Design Review Committee.
Members of the committee are appointed by the President of the Neighborhood Association in conjunction with other officers.
A minimum of three (3) maximum of seven (7) members will be appointed to the committee.
Qualifications for Membership
1. Members must demonstrate a commitment to support and uphold the mission, goals, and objectives of the Neighborhood Association.
2. Members must demonstrate a commitment to support and uphold the Local Historic District Design Review guidelines.
3. Members must attend training with the City Design Review staff and attend at least 4 City Design Review meetings (during 1st year).
4. Members must live within the boundaries of the Highland Park local historic district.
5. Members must have knowledge and/or experience in relevant fields, and at least one should be an architect.
6. Members must be available to attend most meetings when called.
Click here for more details on LHAC and Design Review.
Planning & Zoning Committee
Chair(s): Morris Newman & Jim Cooper
Members: Katie Kimbrell, Elizabeth Sanfelippo, John Somerset
Mission Statement
Recognizing that Highland Park is a unique neighborhood within the City of Birmingham, because of its location as a vital buffer community between downtown Birmingham and other residential neighborhoods, because of consequent development and population density pressure, and because of its historical significance as one of the oldest planned residential communities within the City, the mission of the Planning & Zoning Committee is as follows:
To protect, maintain and enhance the quality of life of Highland Park Neighborhood through judicious review of zoning, road, and traffic engineering proposals, and through development of neighborhood standards for land use, historic preservation, and traffic issues, being mindful at all times of its strategic location as a buffer community, its diverse residential mix, and its historical heritage.
The Committee as a whole will be responsible for the following areas:
1. Reviewing all requests for zoning changes and variances for properties within the neighborhood in accordance with neighborhood standards for residential density, business districts and
uses, historic preservation, landscaping, traffic impact, and other concerns.
2. Reviewing all proposals for road and traffic engineering projects in the neighborhood for impact on traffic flow, automobile, and pedestrian safety, and other concerns.
3. Reviewing and developing neighborhood standards for land use, residential density, business districts and uses, historic preservation, landscaping, traffic impact and other concerns
through zoning, planning, and traffic engineering tools and processes and through the development of a strategic plan.
Members of the Committee are appointed by the President of the Neighborhood Association in conjunction with other officers.
A maximum of seven (7) members may be appointed to the Committee.
Qualifications for Membership
1. Each member must demonstrate a commitment to support and uphold the mission, goals and objectives of the Neighborhood Association.
2. Each member must demonstrate a commitment to support, uphold, and promote the mission, goals and objectives of the Planning & Zoning Committee.
3. Each member must be available to attend meetings when called.
4. Each member will be appointed for a term of 2 years which is renewable.
Click here for more information on zoning.
Spending Committee
Chairperson: Jessica Powers
Members: Larry Contri, Horace Hulsey, Connie Urist
Mission Statement
The mission of the Spending Committee is as follows:
To review and make recommendations to the NA as to expenditures while following city spending guidelines, and
To present recommendations to the NA.
The Committee as a whole will be responsible for the following areas:
1. Oversight of NA capital and non-capital account balances in coordination with the city finance dept.
2. Conduct periodic surveys to assess resident needs and requests.
3. Make recommendations to the NA for spending and purchasing to be voted on at NA meetings.
Members of the committee are appointed by the President of the Neighborhood Association in conjunction with other officers.
A maximum of seven (7) members will be appointed to the committee.
Qualifications for Membership
1. Members must demonstrate a commitment to support and uphold the mission, goals, and objectives of the Neighborhood Association.
2. Members must demonstrate a commitment to support, uphold, and promote the mission, goals, and objectives of the Spending Committee.
3. Members must be available to attend most meetings when called.
Communications and Safety Committee
Chairperson: Judy Jones
Members: Rick Hubbard, Rosalie Lowy, Linda McFarland, Joe Watts
Mission Statement
The mission of the Communications and Safety Committee is as follows:
To facilitate communications with residents through letters, mtg. notices, emails, and social media,
To promote safety initiatives, and
To present recommendations to the NA.
The Committee as a whole will be responsible for the following areas:
1. Manage subcommittee of Neighborhood Block Watch volunteers
2. Coordinate with Birmingham Police Dept. to facilitate Neighborhood Block Watch trainings (1-2 times per year).
3. Make recommendations to the NA for increasing safety for all residents.
4. Draft correspondence to welcome new residents and remind residents of ordinances, send warnings of infractions, etc.,
5. Advise on website information, content, and layout.
Members of the committee are appointed by the President of the Neighborhood Association in conjunction with other officers.
A maximum of seven (7) members will be appointed to the committee.
Qualifications for Membership
1. Members must demonstrate a commitment to support and uphold the mission, goals, and objectives of the Neighborhood Association.
2. Members must demonstrate a commitment to support, uphold, and promote the mission, goals, and objectives of the Communications and Safety Committee.
3. Members must be available to attend most meetings when called.